** Updated January 10, 2021 – Final Report **
Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center (EOCTC) has signed and returned, to the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that EOCTC has used, or intends to use, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide HEERF Grants to students.
The total amount of funds that EOCTC will receive or has received from the USDE, pursuant to EOCTC’sCertification and Agreement for HEERF Grants to Students: Total amount of funds is $114,478.00.Thus, no less than $57,239 (50%) will be disbursed to all eligible post-secondary students.
The total amount of HEERF Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of the date of this report: $57,239
The estimated total number of students at EOC Tech that may be eligible to receive Higher EDEmergency Relief Fund Grants under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act: 58
The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students underSection 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to date: 56
The method(s) used by EOCTC to determine which students receive HEERF Grants, and how much they would receive under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act: EOCTC disbursed HEERF Grants to: (1) all post-secondary adults enrolled at EOCTC as of March 13, 2020; and (2) effective June 17, 2020, to students who had submitted aFAFSA documenting that they meet the general Title IV eligibility requirements under Section 484 of the HEA. A straight proration method was used to determine the amount. Each student received $987.00. Two students declined and their grants were re-allocated to 9 eligible students who were still enrolled for 20-21.
Any instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the HEERFGrants: An individual email was sent to all 58 students informing them of their eligibility a HEERF Grant in the amount of $987.00. A fillable PDF CARES Act form was included with each email. Students were asked to complete and sign the form and return it to the EOCTC Financial Aid Coordinator as soon as possible. A deadline of July 31, 2020, was included on the form.
The CARES Act form serves as documentation that each student, who receives a HEERF Grant, has incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 shutdown.Students were asked to indicate which expense categories applied to them. These expense categories include cost of attendance items such as technology expenses, course materials, food, housing, childcare and health care.
Effective Wednesday, June 17, 2020, students must also provide documentation by submitting aFAFSA in order to demonstrate that they meet the general Title IV eligibility requirements underSection 484 of the HEA.
By signing the form, they also certified that all of the HEERF Grant monies would be used solely for expenses incurred as a result of the COVID-19 Shutdown.
Number of Students for Whom the Institution has Received an ISIR: 46
Number of Students Who Completed an Alternative Application Form: 12
Total Number of Eligible Students: 58
Click HERE to view the 2020 CARES Act form sent to EOC Tech students.
Click HERE to view the email sent to EOC Tech students.
Click HERE to view this report as a PDF document.
Click HERE to view EOC Technology Center’s CARES Act (HEERF I) Institutional Portion quarterly reporting information.
Click HERE to view EOC Technology Center’s CRRSA Act (HEERF II) Student Grant reporting information.
Click HERE to view EOC Technology Center’s ARP Act (HEERF III) Student Grant reporting information.