About Us
The purpose of the Business Development Center is to provide assistance and resources to support the economic development efforts of the region. The 7,000 square foot facility houses the Business & Industry Services team, a seminar center complex, business incubator, and construction plan room.
Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center’s network of experts and business specialists provide a full range of business solutions to meet your specific needs:
Increase Sales
Marketing and Branding Strategies
Create a Strategic Business
Build a Sustainable Work/Life Balance
"We were able to find the local bank that gave us the business loan for startup, an attorney to make an LLC and a CPA to advise and help us along with setting up the financial structure."
~ ATAG Underground Works, LLC Read full story
"Trent has helped me stay focused on my mission. All the other assistance we've received from everyone at the BDC, with obtaining contracts and certifications and creating a safety manual, it's just a bonus. Running a business is hard and you feel like you're on a mountain all by yourself. I know he is there to keep me on track, whenever I need him."
~ Whitney Hill, Owner of Central Staffing Solutions, LLC
"Julie reached out to me about a job opportunity with a client and now I regularly use the BDC Plan Room for project leads."
~ Chad Craig, owner of William C.Craig Construction