Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center (EOCTC) continues to serve the communities of Eastern Oklahoma County just has it has since its founding in 1980. Holding its inaugural class in 1981, EOCTC has grown to serve approximately 600 students a year, and continues to grow and expand to meet the needs of a flourishing community and developing business sector. EOCTC continues to embrace new and relevant technologies in order to train students for success in the workplace and increase course offerings to reflect the changing work environment.
To better impact the business and industry sector, the Business and Industry Development Center continues to offer customized training and services, including a state certified business incubator.
Adapting to the increased demand for engineers, EOCTC has established a Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) Pre-Engineering Academy. The academy will strengthen a knowledge base preparing students for the rigors of university engineering majors and for a career in engineering.
Secondary students living in the technology center district who attend a public, private, parochial, charter, or home school are eligible to attend tuition free.
Mission Statement: Empowering individuals, employers, and communities to achieve success.
Vision Statement: Excellence through education and training.
Core Values:
- Service: We value open communication and are committed to providing quality services and opportunities.
- Professionalism: We value ethical practices and encourage personal and professional growth.
- Recognition: We value the accomplishments of students and staff.