On January 12, 2021, patrons voted to renew the Technology Bond Issue for Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center to provide distance learning and Internet services for EOC Tech, Choctaw-Nicoma Park Public Schools, Harrah Public Schools, Jones Public Schools, and Luther Public Schools. The Bond Issue will continue funding for the local school districts by providing services WITHOUT a tax increase.
- Replaces the existing Bond Issue for Distance Learning/Internet Connection and Technology at EOC Tech Center, Choctaw-Nicoma Park Schools, Harrah Schools, Jones Schools, and Luther Schools.
- Total amount of bond issue is $730,000 for a five year period which is less than the current bond issue in place totaling $760,000.
- It is anticipated that over the five years, the cost to individual tax payers will be reduced annually due to growth in the EOC Tech Center District in the number of taxpayers in both residential and commercial properties.
Approval of the Bond Issue will provide the following to EOC Tech Center and each of the four public school districts:
- The ability to continue the delivery of distance learning classes to students for college credit and other potential course offerings.
- Faster and expanded INTERNET services to nearly 10,000 students in the five school districts.
- Meets the current need for increased bandwidth for Internet based instructional delivery, required on-line end of instruction testing, college entrance assessment, state licensure and industry certification testing, and web based learning programs.
- Assist the five school districts’ teachers and staff in expanded technology based curriculum delivery, increased professional development opportunities, and improved data student reporting.
- Expected to continue to allow all five school districts to expand technology delivery by a minimum of ten times the current level through an anticipated increase to 2GB of service. The amount of information that can be transferred is astronomical in comparison to the current level, and all for a lesser cost than five years ago.
This is the fifth bond issue for EOC Tech for distance learning/ technology/Internet connection provided for the technology center and the four public school systems. The amount requested in each bond issue has gone down due to the cost of technology continuing to go down. This bond issue is extremely critical for all five school districts due to the increased demand for technology driven learning, instruction and efforts to increase student performance.
Additional information required by the Bond Transparency Act – PDF Document
Informational Flyer – PDF Document